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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of SNPs in genome Mosquito Anopheles gambiae 4.44e+5 Unitless 103884 Holt RA et al, The Genome...
Chromosome number (2n) Mosquito Anopheles gambiae 6 unitless 100475 http://www.genomesiz...
Number of genes Mosquito Anopheles gambiae 13600 Genes 100476 http://wormlab.calte...
Genome Size Mosquito Anopheles gambiae 2.8e+8 Base pairs 100477 http://wormlab.calte...
Number of SNPs in genome Human Homo sapiens 1.5e+7 Unitless 103895 http://www.ensembl.o...
Genome Size Bread mold Neurospora crassa 3.99e+7 Base pairs 100359 Genome Size of organisms...
Genome Size Zebrafish Danio rerio 1.7e+9 Base pairs 100348 Caenorhabditis briggsae...
Chromosome number (2n) Human Homo sapiens 46 unitless 100426 Animal Genome Size Database...
Genome data comparison of Plasmodium falciparum and P. reichenowi Plasmodium falciparum Table - link N/A 103881 Jeffares DC, Pain A, Berry A...
Chromosome number (2n) Rat Rattus norvegicus 42 unitless 100412 http://www.genomesiz...
Chromosome number (2n) Mouse Mus musculus 40 unitless 100335 Animal Genome Size Database...
Number of SNPs in genome Chicken Gallus gallus 2.8e+6 Unitless 103885 Wong GK et al, A genetic...
Number of pseudogenes in small-genomed species Eukaryotes Schizosaccharomyces pombe 33: Anopheles gambiae 166: D. melanogaster 176: Oikopleura dioica 400 pseudogenes 110285 Gregory TR. Synergy between...
Number of SNPs in genome Plasmodium falciparum 22735 Unitless 103882 Jeffares DC, Pain A, Berry A...
Number of SNPs in genome Plasmodium reichenowi 216619 Unitless 103883 Jeffares DC, Pain A, Berry A...
Number of genes Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 6604 ORF 100237 SGD-Saccharomyces cerevisiae...
Doubling time of Aag-2 cells (cells that became adapted to E-5 medium) Yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti 42 Hours 106652 Lan Q, Fallon AM. Small...
Estimated time range of diversification of nematode - fruit fly, mosquito and honeybee (arthropod) Various 520.5e+6 - 581e+6 years 105156 Donoghue PC, Benton MJ....
Metazoan genome size and gene number Various Table - link N/A 103651 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Comparison of the chemoreceptor superfamilies of various insects Various Table - link N/A 102678 Tribolium Genome Sequencing...